Sunday, April 12, 2015

Part 1- Chapters 1- 9 Question 21

What do the initials USAMRIID stand for? What other nicknames does the place have? How did the USAMRIID mission change in 1969?


  1. The initials USAMRIID stand for "the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases", but some of those who work there would call it "'you Sam rid'" or "the Institute". Before 1969, the institute in Fort Detrick did research to protect and prevent soldiers from getting infected by naturally contagious illnesses, as well as biological weapons used against them in battle. USAMRIID also specialized in conducting research to find biological weapons that could be used as offensive weapons in tactical warfare. These weapons were, for example, bombs dropped onto enemies that carried a deadly bacteria or virus - developed by the army. This was common done after the end of WWII. During Nixon's presidency, he declared an executive order that renounced use of biological or poisonous weapons (Preston 36). Since then, their new mission was "to provide leading edge medical capabilities to deter and defend against current and emerging biological threat agents". USAMRIID was dedicated since to medically and biologically defend our armed forces and the nation itself with distinguished scientists and specialists. They concentrate on protection and creation of vaccines against biological threats such as anthrax, botulism, the plague, Ebola (and strains alike), hantavirus, ricin toxin and enterotoxin type B (About USAMRIID 2014). All conducted research is as well a measure to prevent any outbreak of harmful or lethal microorganisms becoming epidemic, or worse pandemic; this is evident in their involvement with the Ebola virus disease outbreak (Preston 36).

    About USAMRIID. (2014, December 4). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from .

    Preston, R. (1994). PROJECT EBOLA. In The Hot Zone. New York: Random House.

  2. In addition to research regarding the prevention and containment of dangerous diseases the USAMRIID also develops defense systems for biodefense research. Even though Biological warfare has been outlawed, the United States with one of the largest defense budgets in the world wants to be prepared for any possibility, including bioterrorism and biological warfare. The primary goal of this institution, as an army subdivision, is to protect the soldier first. It is important to have a method of biodefense in place because in an act of bioterrorism a bacteria such as Francisella tularensis could be made airborne. Only 10-50 organisms are needed to cause the disease Tularemia which is life threatening. People do not always take the ethical route, so it is important to have a back-up plan in place and have vaccines prepared for any possibility.
    USAMRIID. (2015, April 15). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from
    Frequently Asked Questions. (2011, January 11). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from
